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7.2 System Structures: More on Ada.Numerics; the USE Clause

As we saw in Section 4.6, Ada provides a standard library of elementary mathematical functions, called Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions. The full specification is given in Appendix F; here are a few examples of the functions provided:

Function		Purpose

Arctan( X)	Returns the angle y in radians satisfying X = tan( y) 
		where -pi/2 <= y <= pi/2
Cos( X)		Returns the cosine of angle X (in radians)
Exp( X)		Returns eX where e = 2.71828...
Log( X)		Returns the natural logarithm of X for X > 0.0
Sin( X)		Returns the sine of angle X (in radians)
Sqrt( X)	Returns the square root of X for X >= 0.0

All functions take arguments of type Float (or a subtype thereof) and return a value of type Float. The arguments for Sin and Cos must be expressed in radians, not degrees. The arguments for Log and Sqrt must be nonnegative; a negative argument will cause the exception Ada.Numerics.Argument_Error to be raised.

Example 7.10

The predefined exponentiation operator in Ada does not apply to floating-point exponents. This means that it is not possible to write xy directly when x and y are type Float. Some, but not all, math packages provide such an exponentiation operation. However, from the study of logarithms we know that

ln(xy) = y x ln(x)


z = eln(z)

where e is 2.71828.... So we can derive that

xy = e(y x ln(x))

Assuming that Exp and Ln are available in Math, this formula can be implemented in Ada as

XToPowerY := Ada.Numerics.Elementary_FunctionsExp( y *
			Ada.Numerics.Elementary_FunctionsLn( X)) 

The USE Clause

In this book we have been faithful to the convention that all calls to package-provided procedures and functions be prefixed with the name of the package, as in

    Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Get (Item => Next_Num);
    Y := Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions.Sqrt ( X);

Prefixing the name of the package is called qualification. There are two main advantages to doing this. First, the reader can tell at a glance exactly which package has provided a given operation. Even in a class project there may be several packages "WITH-ed" by a program, including standard Ada packages, compiler-provided packages like Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions, and packages you write yourself or are supplied by your teacher. Qualification makes it easy to see, for debugging purposes or for enhancing your program at a later date, just which operations came from which packages. We will discuss the second advantage in a moment.

Ada provides a method for avoiding the need to qualify all references to package-provided operations. This is called the USE clause, looks just like a context clause, and (in this book) is written at the top of a program unit along with the context clause. For example,

    WITH Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; 
    USE Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
might appear at the top of a program. If a USE clause is present, qualifying the package references is no longer required, although it is certainly still permitted. Given a USE clause, the two statements
    Y := Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions.Sqrt( X);
    Y := Sqrt( X);
are both permitted and have the same meaning. An advantage of the USE clause is that expressions can be somewhat more compactly written, but of course the information about just which package provided the Sqrt operation is lost to the reader.

This direct information about which package provides which operation is also lost to the compiler if a USE clause is present. This means that the compiler, in translating an unqualified reference to a package operation, must search its tables for all the packages mentioned by USE clauses, and this is a tedious and somewhat time-consuming task for the compiler. This is the second advantage of qualified reference: It makes the compiler's job a bit easier.

The Proper Use of USE Clauses

As we have seen, a USE clause has certain advantages, but qualification of all references also has advantages. Many experienced Ada professionals believe that the advantages of qualification outweigh those of USE clauses, and we tend to agree. Generally we will avoid USE clauses, continuing the style with which we have begun the book.

There are certain circumstances, such as the math library, in which the names of the operations are so obvious, and relate so closely to everyday mathematics, that the more compact expression notation is desirable, and in such cases we will write a USE clause. We will also write a USE clause in cases where the name of the package is not standard and may vary from compiler to compiler.

As in the case of type conversions, moderation is a virtue in the use of USE clauses, and we advocate careful, case-by-case consideration of whether the USE or the qualified reference is more advantageous.

Example 7.11

The function Sqrt (square root) can be used to compute the roots of a quadratic equation in X of the form

aX2 + bX + c = 0

where a, b, and c are type Float. The two roots are expressed in algebraic form as

    	     -b + \/ b2 - 4ac
    Root1 =  ------------------

    	     -b - \/ b2 - 4ac
    Root2 =  ------------------
The Ada implementation is
IF Disc > 0.0 THEN 
    Root1 := (-b + Sqrt( Disc)) / ( 2.0 * a); 
    Root2 := (-b - Sqrt( Disc)) / ( 2.0 * a); 

where the variable Disc represents the discriminant (b2 - 4ac) of the equation.

Example 7.12

Program 7.4 draws a sine curve. It uses the Ada function Sin, provided by the math package Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions, which returns the trigonometric sine of its parameter, an angle expressed in radians.

Program 7.4
Plotting a Sine Curve Using the Math Package

WITH Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Float_Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Numerics;
USE  Ada.Numerics;
WITH Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
USE  Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
--| Plots a sine curve.   
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: July 1995                                     

  RadPerDegree : CONSTANT Float   := Pi / 180.0;  
                                             -- radians per degree   
                                             -- Pi in Ada.Numerics
  MinAngle :     CONSTANT Float   := 0.0;    -- smallest angle   
  MaxAngle :     CONSTANT Float   := 360.0;  -- largest angle   
  PlotWidth :    CONSTANT Integer := 40;     -- width of plot   
  PlotHeight :   CONSTANT Integer := 20;     -- height of plot   
  StepAngle :    CONSTANT Float 
    := (MaxAngle-MinAngle) / Float(PlotHeight);  
                                             -- change in angle   
  Star :         CONSTANT Character := '*';  -- symbol being plotted   
  Blank:         CONSTANT Character := ' ';  -- to "pad" the '*'

  SUBTYPE ColumnRange IS Integer RANGE 0..PlotWidth;

  Angle  :       Float;                      -- angle in degrees   
  Radian :       Float;                      -- angle in radians   
  Scale :        Float;                      -- scale factor   
  Pad :          ColumnRange;                -- size of blank padding   

BEGIN  -- Sine_Curve   

  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "                   Sine curve plot");
  Scale := Float(PlotWidth / 2);
  Angle := MinAngle;

  WHILE Angle <= MaxAngle LOOP

    Radian := Angle * RadPerDegree;
    Pad := Natural(Scale * (1.0 + Sin(Radian)));

      (Item =>Angle, Fore => 4, Aft => 0, Exp => 0);  

    -- Display blank padding   
    Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Blank);
    FOR BlankCount IN 1 .. Pad LOOP
      Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Blank);
    END LOOP;       

    Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Star);      -- Plot * in next column   
      (Item =>Sin(Radian), Fore => 6, Aft => 6, Exp => 0);  
    Angle := Angle + StepAngle;


END Sine_Curve;
Sample Run
                   Sine curve plot

   0.0                     *     0.000000
  18.0                           *     0.309017
  36.0                                 *     0.587785
  54.0                                     *     0.809017
  72.0                                        *     0.951057
  90.0                                         *     1.000000
 108.0                                        *     0.951057
 126.0                                     *     0.809017
 144.0                                 *     0.587785
 162.0                           *     0.309017
 180.0                     *    -0.000000
 198.0               *    -0.309017
 216.0         *    -0.587785
 234.0     *    -0.809017
 252.0  *    -0.951056
 270.0 *    -1.000000
 288.0  *    -0.951056
 306.0     *    -0.809017
 324.0         *    -0.587785
 342.0               *    -0.309017
 360.0                     *     0.000000
Because degrees are a more intuitive way to represent angles, the outer FOR loop is executed for values of Angle equal to 0, 18, 36, ... , 360 degrees. This requires a conversion to radians in order to give Sin a sensible parameter value. We need a conversion constant, RadPerDegree, which is the value pi/180.0. We use the value of Pi provided by Ada.Numerics.

Now let us see how to plot the curve. For each Angle, the first assignment statement below

Radian := Angle * RadPerDegree;
Pad := Natural( Scale * (1.0 + Sin( Radian));
computes the number of radians corresponding to Angle. Then the variable Pad is assigned a value based on Sin(Radian). This value increases from 0 when Sin(Radian) is -1.0 to twice the value of Scale when Sin(Radian) is 1.0. Pad, the limit variable in the inner FOR loop, determines how many blanks precede each character * displayed on the screen. In this way, the position of each * displayed represents the sine of the current angle. The angle is displayed at the left end of each line; the sine value is also displayed as a floating-point number after each *.

Checking Boundary Values

Example 7.12 states that the value of Pad ranges from 0 to twice Scale as the sine value goes from -1.0 to 1.0. It is always a good idea to check the accuracy of these assumptions; this usually can be done by checking the boundaries of the range as shown below.

Sin( Radian) is -1.0, Pad is Natural( Scale * ( 1.0 + (-1.0)))
Pad is Natural( 20.0 * 0.0)
Pad is Natural( 0.0) = 0

Sin( Radian) is +1.0, Pad is Natural( Scale * ( 1.0 + 1.0))
Pad is Natural( 20.0 * 2.0)
Pad is Natural( 40.0) = 40

It is also a good idea to check the boundary values for all loop control variables to see that they make sense. For example, the outer loop control variable, Angle, has an initial value of MinAngle ( 0.0) and a final value of MaxAngle ( 360.0). The inner loop control variable, BlankCount, has an initial value of 1 and a final value of Pad.

Case Study: Aproximating the Value of e


The math constant e (whose value is the nonterminating decimal 2.71828...) is the base of the natural logarithms. This value is provided by Ada as Ada.Numerics.E. Suppose we did not have the numerics package; develop a program that will compute the value of e. The user will supply the desired number of decimal places of accuracy.


There are a number of mathematical quantities that can be represented using a series approximation, where a series is represented by a summation of an infinite number of terms. For example, e can be determined by evaluating the expression

1 + 1 /1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ... + 1/n! + ...

where n! is the factorial of n as defined below:

0! = 1

n! = n × (n - 1)! (for n >= 1)

Notice that this is just a different, equivalent, way of defining the same Factorial that we defined in Section 5.8. Instead of calculating the factorial for each term in the series, we shall use a different method as outlined below.

We can get an approximation to the value of e by summing the series for a finite value of n. Obviously, the larger the value of n we use, the more accurate will be the computed result. This expression can be represented using summation notation as

    \   1/i!

where the first term is obtained by substituting 0 for i (1/0! is 1/1), the second term is obtained by substituting 1 for i (1/1!), etc.

To get an approximation to the desired accuracy, we use a successive approximations method. Suppose the number of decimal places is given by Places. Start with a single term, then add terms until two successive approximations differ by no more than 1/10Places. This last quantity is usually called epsilon, which in mathematics is used to mean a very small interval. For example, if we desire 6 decimal places, epsilon is 0.000001 = 1/106.


A general loop can be used to implement the formula above easily. The data requirements and algorithm follow.

Data Requirements

Problem Inputs:

the number of decimal places (Places : Positive)

Problem Outputs:

the approximate value of e (e: Float)

Program Variables:

i, to produce the ith term (i: Natural)

the ith term of the series (ithTerm : Float)

the previously computed estimate of e (eOld: Float)

the number of terms in the series (n: Positive)

the desired accuracy (Epsilon: Float)


The algorithm for this case study follows.


1. Prompt user the value of Places

2. Set Epsilon to 1.0/10.0Places

3. Initialize e to 1.0

4. Initialize the ith term to 1.0


     6. Save previous e in eOld

      7 Increment i

      8. Compute the ith term in the series

      9. Add the ith term to e

      10. EXIT WHEN e and eOld differ by no more than Epsilon


11. Display the approximate value of e


Program 7.5 implements this algorithm.

Program 7.5
Estimating e by Successive Approximations

WITH Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Float_Ada.Text_IO;
--| Computes the value of e by a series approximation.   
--| Number of places of accuracy is specified by user input.
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: July 1995                                     

  Places  : Positive; -- Input - number of decimal places of accuracy
  e       : Float;    -- Output - the value being approximated   

  eOld    : Float;    -- previous estimate   
  i       : Natural;  -- to produce the i-th term
  ithTerm : Float;    -- ith term in series   
  n       : Positive; -- number of terms in series   
  Epsilon : Float;    -- desired difference between successive tries

BEGIN -- Estimate_e

  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Enter desired number of decimal places > ");
  Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Get(Item => Places);  

  Epsilon := 1.0 / (10.0 ** Places);

  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Number of Terms  Approximate Value of e");
  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "---------------  ----------------------");

  -- Compute each term and add it to the accumulating sum.   
  e := 1.0;             -- initial sum   
  ithTerm := 1.0;       -- first term   
  i := 0;
  LOOP -- and quit when desired accuracy is achieved

    eOld := e;          -- save previous approximation

    i := i + 1;
    ithTerm := ithTerm / Float(i);

    e := e + ithTerm;   -- find new value

    Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => i, Width => 9);
      (Item => e, Fore => 10, Aft => Places+2, Exp => 0);

    EXIT WHEN ABS (e - eOld) <= Epsilon;


END Estimate_e;
Sample Run
Enter desired number of decimal places > 10
Number of Terms  Approximate Value of e
---------------  ----------------------------
        1         2.000000000000
        2         2.500000000000
        3         2.666666746140
        4         2.708333492279
        5         2.716666936874
        6         2.718055725098
        7         2.718254089355
        8         2.718278884888
        9         2.718281745911
       10         2.718281984329
       11         2.718281984329
Inside the loop, the statement
	ithTerm := ithTerm / Float( i);
computes the value of the ith term in the series by dividing the previous term by the type Float representation of the variable i. The formula

(1 / (i - 1)!) / i = 1 / (i x (i - 1)!) = 1 / i!

shows that this division does indeed produce the next term in the series. Because 0! is 1, ithTerm must be intialized to 1.0. The statement

e = e + ithTerm;
adds the new value of ithTerm to the sum being accumulated in e. Trace the execution of this loop to satisfy yourself that ithTerm takes on the values 1/1!, 1/2!, 1/3!, and so on, during successive loop iterations.

Numerical Inaccuracies

One of the problems in processing floating-point numbers is that there is sometimes an error in representing floating-point data. Just as there are certain numbers that cannot be represented exactly in the decimal number system (e.g., the fraction 1/3 is 0.333333...), so there are numbers that cannot be represented exactly in floating-point form. The representational error will depend on the number of binary digits (bits) used in the mantissa: The more bits there are, the smaller the error.

The number 0.1 is an example of a real number that has a representational error. The effect of a small error is often magnified through repeated computations. Therefore, the result of adding 0.1 ten times is not exactly 1.0, so the loop below may fail to terminate on some computers:

Trial := 0.0;
WHILE Trial /= 1.0 LOOP
  Trial := Trial + 0.1;

If the loop repetition test is changed to Trial < 1.0, the loop may execute ten times on one computer and eleven times on another. For this reason, it is best to use integer values--which are always exact--whenever possible in loop repetition tests.

Other problems occur when manipulating very large and very small real numbers. In adding a large number and a small number, the larger number may "cancel out" the smaller number (a cancellation error). If X is much larger than Y, X + Y and X may have the same value (e.g., 1000.0 + 0.0001234 is equal to 1000.0 on some computers).

For this reason, you can sometimes obtain more accurate results by carefuly selecting the order in which computations are performed. For example, in computing the value of e in the preceding case study, the terms of the series

1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + ... + 1/n!

were generated in left-to-right order and added to a sum being accumulated in e. When n is large, the value of 1/n! is very small, so the effect of adding a very small term to a sum that is larger than 2.0 may be lost. If the terms were generated and summed in right-to left-order instead, the computation result might be more accurate.

If two very small numbers are multiplied, the result may be too small to be represented accurately and will become zero. This is called arithmetic underflow. Similarly, if two very large numbers are multiplied, the result may be too large to be represented. This is called arithmetic overflow and, in Ada, causes Constraint_Error to be raised. Arithmetic underflow and overflow can also occur when processing very large and small integer values.

Exercises for Section 7.2


  1. Rewrite the following mathematical expressions using Ada math functions.
    a.	  _______
    	\/ U + V × W2
    b.	 logn( XY)
    c.	  _______
    	\/ X - Y2
    d.	| XY - W/Z|
  2. Evaluate the following expression:


  1. We know that e is in fact provided by Ada as Ada.Numerics.E. Look up this value and check the results of Program 7.5 against it for several different numbers of decimal places of accuracy.
  2. Write a function that computes, for float numbers a and b, ea × ln(b). Call this function with several different values of a and b and display the results. Verify for yourself that the results are correct.
  3. Using type conversion, write an Ada statement to round any float value X to the nearest two decimal places. (Hint: You have to multiply by 100.0 before rounding.)
  4. The value of ex is represented by the series

    1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! + ... + xn/n! + ...

    Write a program to compute and print the value of this series for any x and any n. Compare the result to Exp( x) (available in the Ada math library) and print a message O.K. or Not O.K., depending on whether the difference between these results exceeds 0.001. How many terms--that is, what value of n--seem to provide good results without making the computation take too many steps?

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