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7.1 Data Structures: Numeric Data Types

The predefined data types Integer, Natural, Positive, and Float are used to represent numeric information. Integer variables are used to represent data such as exam scores that are whole numbers; Float variables are used to represent numeric data that may have a fractional part. The subtypes Natural and Positive are used to represent integer values that cannot sensibly be negative; a Natural value is allowed to be zero; a Positive value is not.

Differences Between Numeric Types

You may be wondering why it is necessary to have so many numeric types. Because a whole number is a special case of one with a fractional part (i.e., the fractional part is zero), the data type Float could, in theory, be used for all numerical values. There are two important reasons why, in practice, we do not do this.

First, it is always best to use the most appropriate type for representing the values in a program. This not only makes the program easier for the reader to understand but also makes it possible for the compiler to ensure that the values assigned to a variable are appropriate values and that the operations performed on them are appropriate operations.

Another reason for not using Float values exclusively is that on many computers operations involving integers are faster and less storage space is needed to store integers. Also, operations with integers are always precise, whereas there may be some loss of accuracy when dealing with floating-point values.

These differences result from the way floating-point numbers and integers are represented internally in memory. All data are represented in memory as binary sequences, sequences of 0s and 1s. However, the binary sequence stored for the Integer value 13 is not the same as the binary sequence stored for the Float value 13.0. The actual internal representation used is computer-dependent, but it will normally have the format shown in Fig. 7.1. In some computers, floating-point format uses more bits than integer format.

As Fig. 7.1 shows, integers are represented by standard binary numbers. If you are familiar with the binary number system, you know that the integer 13 is represented as the binary number 01101.

Figure 7.1
Integer and Floating-Point Formats

Figure 7.1

Floating-point format is analogous to scientific notation. The storage area occupied by a floating-point number is divided into two parts: the mantissa and the exponent. The mantissa is a binary fraction between 0.5 and 1.0 (-0.5 and -1.0 for a negative number). The exponent is a power of 2. The mantissa and exponent are chosen so that the formula

floating-point-number = mantissa × 2exponent

is correct.

Besides the capability of storing fractions, floating-point format can represent a range of numbers considerably larger than can integer format. For example, Program 7.1 shows how to find the range of integer and floating-point values provided by your Ada compiler.

Program 7.1
Retrieving the Lowest and Highest Values for the Numeric Types

WITH Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Float_Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Text_IO;
--| Displays smallest and largest values of Integer and Float
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: July 1995                                     
BEGIN -- First_Last

  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Smallest integer is ");
  Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Integer'First);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Largest integer is ");
  Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Integer'Last);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Bits in an integer ");
  Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Integer'Size, Width => 1);

  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Smallest float is ");
  Ada.Float_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Float'First);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Largest float is ");
  Ada.Float_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Float'Last);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Bits in a float ");
  Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Float'Size, Width => 1);

END First_Last;
Sample Run
Smallest integer is -2147483648
Largest integer is  2147483647
Bits in an integer 32
Smallest float is -3.40282E+38
Largest float is  3.40282E+38
Bits in a float 32
This program uses the attributes 'First and 'Last to retrieve the smallest and largest integer and float values, and the 'Size attribute to retrieve the number of bits used for each type by the compiler. The sample run shows 32 bits for both types; this is typical of current computers and compilers. Note that for the same number of bits (32), the range of floating-point numbers is approximately -1038 .. +1038 (a huge range), while the range of integers is only about -109..+109.

Numeric Literals

A constant value appearing in an expression is called a literal. In Ada, a Float literal must have a decimal point in it and at least one digit on either side of the point. A literal may also have a decimal scale factor. For example, in the literal 2.998E+5, the scale factor is 105; in the literal 3E4, the scale factor is 104 (this is another way to write the value 30,000). It is also possible in Ada to use underscores--not commas-- to separate groups of digits, so that 30_000 is a valid Integer literal.

Type of an Expression

The type of an expression is determined by the type of its operands, and all operands of an expression must be the same type. For example, in the expression

    X + 3.5

the variable X must be the same type (Float) as the literal 3.5; the expression is type Float. If I is an Integer variable, the expression

    10 - I
is type Integer. If I is a Float variable, this expression is incorrect and will lead to a compilation error.

Numeric Operators

There are two kinds of arithmeric operators: monadic and dyadic. A monadic operator takes a single operand; a dyadic operator takes two operands. In Ada, the three monadic operators are +, -, and ABS. If X has an integer or float value, +X returns the same value (essentially it has no effect), -X negates the value (i.e., -(-X)=X), and ABS X returns the absolute value (e.g., ABS 3 = ABS (-3) = 3).

The four dyadic arithmetic operators +, -, *, and / can be used with integer or floating-point operands. The operands must both be Float (or subtypes of Float) or both be Integer (or subtypes of Integer). The division operator / deserves special consideration. If the operands of a division operation are floating-point values, the full result is kept and is also floating point. If the operands of division are integer values, the result is an integer equal to the truncated quotient of M divided by N (i.e., the integer part of the quotient). For example, if M is 7 and N is 2, the value of M/N is the truncated quotient of 7 divided by 2 or 3. On the other hand, if X is 7.0 and Y is 2.0, then X/Y is 3.5.

Example 7.1

Table 7.1 shows some examples of valid and invalid expressions involving the integer and floating-point division operators. For integer division, the result is always 0 when the magnitude of the first operand is less than the magnitude of the second operand.

Table 7.1
The Division Operators

 3 / 15 = 0        3 / -15 =  0         3.0 / 15.0 =  0.2
15 / 3  = 5       15 / -3  = -5        15   / 3.0 is invalid (mixed types)
16 / 3  = 5       16 / -3  = -5        16.0 / 3.0  =  5.333...
17 / 3  = 5      -17 /  3  = -5       -17.0 / 3.0  = -5.667...
18 / 3  = 6      -18 / -3  =  6        18.0 / 3.0  =  6.0

The remainder operator, REM, can also be used with integer operands. The expression A REM B is equal to the remainder of A divided by B, if A and B are both positive. The following relations are satisfied by the REM operator:

  A  REM (-B) =   A REM B
(-A) REM   B  = -( A REM B)

For the MOD operation, the following identity holds:

A MOD B  = ( A + B) MOD B

Table 7.2 shows some typical results for the integer division and REM operators.

Table 7.2.
Results of Integer Division and REM Operators

A    B   A/B   A REM B     A    B   A/B   A REM B

10   5    2       0       -10   5   -2       0
11   5    2       1       -11   5   -2      -1
12   5    2       2       -12   5   -2      -2
13   5    2       3       -13   5   -2      -3
14   5    2       4       -14   5   -2      -4

10 -5 -2 0 -10 -5 2 0 11 -5 -2 1 -11 -5 2 -1 12 -5 -2 2 -12 -5 2 -2 13 -5 -2 3 -13 -5 2 -3 14 -5 -2 4 -14 -5 2 -4

Note that ABS and REM are reserved words that represent operators, and not function names. Thus the expression ABS X is correct without parentheses. In the expression ABS(-3), the parentheses denote that the operator ABS is applied after the operator -.

Example 7.2

Program 7.2 displays each digit of its input value Decimal in reverse order (e.g., if Decimal is 738, the digits printed are 8, 3, 7). This is accomplished by displaying each remainder (0 through 9) of Decimal divided by 10; the integer quotient of Decimal divided by 10 becomes the new value of Decimal.

Program 7.2
Displaying Digits in Reverse Order

WITH Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Robust_Input;
WITH Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO;
PROCEDURE Display_Digits IS
--| Displays the digits of a nonnegative integer in reverse order.
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: July 1995                                     
  Base : CONSTANT Natural := 10;      -- number system base   
  Decimal : Natural;                  -- original number
  Digit :   Natural;                  -- each digit   

BEGIN  -- Display_Digits   

  Robust_Input.Get(Item=>Decimal, MinVal=>0, MaxVal => Natural'Last);

  -- Find and display remainders of Decimal divided by 10   
  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item=> "The digits in reverse order are ");
  WHILE Decimal /= 0 LOOP
    -- invariant:
    -- Decimal in pass i is (Decimal in pass i-1) / Base (for i > 1)
    -- and Digit in pass i is (Decimal in pass i-1) REM Base (for i > 1)
    -- and Decimal >= 0

    Digit := Decimal REM Base;     -- Get next remainder   
    Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Digit, Width => 2);
    Decimal := Decimal / Base;     -- Get next quotient   

  -- assert: Decimal is zero   


END Display_Digits;
Sample Run
Enter an integer between 0 and 2147483647 > -5
Value entered is out of range. Please try again.
Enter an integer between 0 and 2147483647 > x
Value entered not an integer. Please try again.
Enter an integer between 0 and 2147483647 > 111222333444555
Value entered not an integer. Please try again.
Enter an integer between 0 and 2147483647 > 54321
The digits in reverse order are  1 2 3 4 5
The input value Decimal is used as the loop control variable. Within the WHILE loop, the REM operator is used to assign to Digit the right-most digit of Decimal, and integer division is used to assign the rest of the number to Decimal. The loop is exited when Decimal becomes 0. Table 7.3 shows a trace of the loop execution for an input value of 43. The digits 3 and 4 are displayed.

Table 7.3
Trace of Execution of DisplayDigits

Statement				     Decimal  Digit	Effect

WHILE Decimal /= 0 LOOP				43		43 /= 0 is true 
  Digit := Decimal REM Base			43	3	Remainder is 3
  Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item=>Digit, Width=>1);	3	Display 3
  Decimal := Decimal / Base;			4		Quotient is 4

WHILE Decimal /= 0 LOOP				4		4 /= 0 is true
  Digit := Decimal REM Base			4	4	Remainder is 4
  Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item=>Digit, Width=>1);	4	Display 4
  Decimal := Decimal / Base;				0	Quotient is 4

WHILE Decimal /= 0 LOOP				0		0 /= 0 is false - exit

Recall from Section 2.10 that Ada provides one more dyadic operator, exponentiation, represented by **. An expression X**M means "raise X to the Mth power"; that is, multiply X by itself M times. The left operand of ** can be an integer or floating-point value; the right operand must be an integer value. Further, if the left operand is an integer, the right operand must not be negative because then the result would not be an integer value.

Multiple-Operator Expressions, Revisited

Often a problem requires writing an expression that contains more than one operator, as discussed in Section 2.10. In such a case, it is always wise to use parentheses to show exactly which operations apply to which operands. However, to make the result of an expression predictable even if the programmer omits the parentheses, programming languages, including Ada, provide rules for the order of execution of operations. These are called precedence and associativity rules. For example, in the expression A + B * C, is * performed before + or after? Is the expression X / Y * Z evaluated as ( X / Y) * Z or X / ( Y * Z)? Understanding these rules will help you understand expressions better.

Some expressions with multiple operators are

    1.8 * Celsius + 32.0
    ( Salary - 5000.00) * 0.20 + 1425.00
where Celsius and Salary are Float variables. In both these cases, the algebraic rule that multiplication is performed before addition is applicable. The use of parentheses in the second expression ensures that subtraction is done first. The Ada rules for expression evaluation below are based on standard algebraic rules.

Rules for Expression Evaluation

a. All parenthesized subexpressions are evaluated first. Nested parenthesized subexpressions are evaluated inside out, with the innermost subexpression evaluated first.

b. Operator precedence--Arithmetic operators in the same subexpression are evaluated in the following order:

**,ABS	first
*, /, REM	next
+, - ( monadic)	next 
+, - ( dyadic)	last 

c. Left associative--Operators in the same subexpression and at the same precedence level (such as + and -, or * and /) are evaluated left to right.

Note that in Ada certain combinations of operators require parentheses. For example, A**B**C is undefined according to Ada syntax rules; you must write either A**( B**C) or ( A**B)**C.

Example 7.3:

The formula for the area of a circle

a = pi × r2

can be written in Ada as

    Area :=  Pi * Radius ** 2 ;
where Pi is the constant we have seen before. The evaluation tree for this formula is shown in Fig. 7.2. In this tree, the arrows connect each operand with its operator. The order of operator evaluation is shown by the number to the left of each operator; the rules that apply are shown to the right.

Figure 7.2
Evaluation Tree for Area := Pi * Radius ** 2

Figure 7.2

Example 7.4:

The formula for the average velocity, v, of a particle traveling on a line between points p1 and p2 in time t1 to t2 is

       ( p2 - p1) 
    v = -------- 
       ( t2 - t1)

This formula can be written in Ada as

    V := ( P2 - P1) / (T2 - T1);

It is evaluated as shown in Fig. 7.3.

Figure 7.3
Evaluation Tree for Average Velocity

Figure 7.3

Example 7.5:

Consider the expression

    Z - ( A + B / 2) + W * Y
which contains Integer variables only. The parenthesized subexpression ( A + B / 2) is evaluated first (rule a) beginning with B / 2 (rule b). Once the value of B / 2 is determined, it can be added to A to obtain the value of ( A + B / 2). Next the multiplication operation is performed (rule b) and the value for W * Y is determined. Then the value of ( A + B / 2) is subtracted from Z (rule c), and finally this result is added to W * Y. Fig. 7.4 gives an evaluation tree.

Figure 7.4
Evaluation Tree for Z - (A + B / 2) + W * Y

Figure 7.4

Writing Mathematical Formulas in Ada

There are two problem areas in writing a mathematical formula in Ada; one concerns multiplication and the other concerns division. In everyday algebra, multiplication is often implied in a mathematical formula by writing the two items to be multiplied next to each other, for example, a = bc. In Ada, however, the * operator must always be used to indicate multiplication, as in

    A :=  B * C

The other difficulty arises in formulas involving division. We normally write the numerator and denominator on separate lines:

       ( y - b)
    m = -------
       ( x - a)

In Ada, all assignment statements must be written in a linear form; consequently, parentheses are often needed to enclose the numerator and the denominator and to clearly indicate the order of evaluation of the operators in the expression. The formula above would be written as

    M := ( Y - B) / ( X - A);    

Example 7.6

Table 7.4 illustrates how several mathematical formulas can be written in Ada. Assume all variables except j are Float.

Table 7.4
Mathematical Formulas and Their Corresponding Ada Expressions

	Mathematical Formula	Ada Expression

1. b2 - 4ac		B ** 2 - 4.0 * A * C

2. a + b - c		A +  B -  C

3. ( a + b)
	-------			( A + B) / ( C + D)
	( c + d)

4. 	    1
	--------		1.0 / ( 1.0 + A ** 2)
	( 1 + a2)

5. a × -( b + c)		A * (-( B + C))

6. xj			X ** J

The points illustrated are summarized as follows:

Example 7.7

This example shows the use of the monadic operator ABS, which computes the absolute value of its operand. If the value of X is -3.5, the statement

    Y := 5.7 + ABS( X + 0.5) 
assigns a value of 8.7 to the Float variable Y. The execution of this statement is traced below.

1. The expression argument (X + 0.5) is evaluated as -3.0.

2. The ABS operator returns the absolute value of its operand (3.0).

3. The sum of 5.7 and the function result (3.0) is assigned to Y (8.7).

Assignment Compatibility

An expression involving floating-point operands can be assigned to a variable only of type Float (or a subtype thereof). An expression involving integer operands can be assigned to a variable of type Integer (or a subtype thereof). As discussed in Section 5.9, an attempt to assign a value of the wrong type to a variable will result in a compilation error; an attempt to assign an out-of-range value to a variable (e.g., a negative expression result to a Positive variable) will result in Constraint_Error being raised.

Conversions Among Numeric Types

Ada does not allow mixing types in an expression (except in the case of exponentiation, as discussed above). However, Ada does provide a means for performing explicit conversion of a value of one type into a value of another. Specifically, Ada allows explicit conversion of float values to integer values and vice versa. This is done using a function-call syntax, where the name of the new type is used as the function. The result of this "function call" is of the new type, unless the result is out of range, in which case Constraint_Error is raised as usual.

An integer value always has an exact equivalent in floating-point form, but a floating-point value does not always have an exact integer equivalent. Ada therefore rounds such a conversion to the nearest integer value, rounding away from zero if the float quantity is exactly halfway between two integers.[1]

Suppose we have the following declarations:

    F: Float;
    N: NonNegFloat;
    I: Integer;
    P: Positive;
    T: Natural;

Here are some conversions that can be done:

    F := Float( I);	-- always possible
    N := Float( P);	-- always possible
    I := Integer( F);	-- always possible; result is rounded
    I := Integer( N);	-- always possible, result is rounded

    N := NonNegFloat( I);	-- raises Constraint_Error if I is negative
    T := Natural( F);		-- raises Constraint_Error if F is negative

    I := Integer( 5.49);	-- result is 5
    I := Integer( 5.51);	-- result is 6
    I := Integer( 5.5);		-- result is 6

    I := Integer( -5.3);      -- result is -5
    I := Integer( -5.6);      -- result is -6
    I := Integer( -5.5);      -- result is -6

Conversion between two subtypes of Integer or two subtypes of Float is always possible and will succeed if the result is in range. If I happens to be -57, for example, then

    T := Natural( I);

will raise Constraint_Error.

Example 7.8

If NumItems is type Positive and SumOfItems is type Float, the expression

    SumOfItems / Float( NumItems)
divides the value of SumOfItems by the floating-point equivalent of NumItems. This expression is used in the assignment statement below to store the "average value" in Average:
    Average := SumOfItems / Float( NumItems);

Note that the expression

    SumOfItems / NumItems
is invalid because the types in the expression do not agree.

Explicit Type Conversion

We now know that Ada allows type conversion to be done explicitly so that floating-point and integer values can be combined in an expression. It is advisable to do this only when it is really necessary. Overuse of such conversions--in the most extreme case, to do all arithmetic in floating point--makes a program much more difficult to understand and also robs you of the assistance you get from Ada in ensuring that appropriate values and operations are used. An occasional explicit conversion is beneficial, but as in so many other things, moderation is a virtue.

Fixed-Point Types: Type Duration

In addition to the integer and floating-point types we use so much, Ada provides a third kind of numeric type, the fixed-point type. We do not make much use of fixed-point types in this book, but one particular predefined fixed-point type is important. Type Duration is a fixed-point predefined type and is used by package Ada.Calendar. Whereas Ada.Calendar.Time represents time of day ("what time is it now?"), Duration represents elapsed time ("how long before the train leaves?"). A duration value of 1.0 represents the passage of exactly one second; a value of 0.1 represents the passage of a tenth of a second. Package Ada.Calendar provides a subtype of Duration called Day_Duration as follows:

    SUBTYPE Day_Duration IS Duration RANGE 0.0 .. 86_400.0;
whose range is chosen to span exactly one day, because 86,400 is the number of seconds in 24 hours. Package Ada.Calendar also provides a function to retrieve, from a value of type Ada.Calendar.Time, the number of seconds since midnight on the given day:
    FUNCTION Seconds ( T: Time) RETURN Day_Duration;

This function goes along with the Year, Month, and Day functions we used in Section 3.6. All you need to know about Duration and Day_Duration values is that they are much easier to work with if they are first converted to type Float.

Example 7.9

Program 7.3 displays the time of day in hh:mm:ss form, using European or military 24-hour time.

Program 7.3
Time of Day

WITH Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Calendar;
--| Displays the current time in hh:mm:ss form, 24-hour clock
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: July 1995                                     

  TYPE DayInteger IS RANGE 0..86400;
  CurrentTime      : Ada.Calendar.Time;
  SecsPastMidnight : DayInteger;  -- could be larger than 32767
  MinsPastMidnight : Natural;
  Secs             : Natural;
  Mins             : Natural;
  Hrs              : Natural;

BEGIN -- Time_of_Day

  CurrentTime := Ada.Calendar.Clock;

  SecsPastMidnight := DayInteger(Ada.Calendar.Seconds(CurrentTime));
  MinsPastMidnight := Natural(SecsPastMidnight/60);
  Secs             := Natural(SecsPastMidnight REM 60);
  Mins             := MinsPastMidnight REM 60;
  Hrs              := MinsPastMidnight / 60;

  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "The current time is ");
  Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Hrs, Width => 1);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => ':');

  IF Mins < 10 THEN
    Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => '0');
  Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Mins, Width => 1);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => ':');

  IF Secs < 10 THEN
    Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => '0');
  Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Secs, Width => 1);

END Time_of_Day;
Sample Run
The current time is 12:40:17
This program uses the package Ada.Calendar to find the time of day. Recall that Ada.Calendar.Clock returns a value of type Ada.Calendar.Time. The statement
    CurrentTime := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
finds the value of current date/time; the function call
    .. := Ada.Calendar.Seconds( CurrentTime);
returns the value of seconds since midnight as a Duration value. Since Ada does not provide many arithmetic operations to deal with Duration values, it is easier to convert this value to integer form. Now this value could be as large as 86,400 (the number of seconds in a day). It's risky to use the predefined Integer type, because the standard allows Integer to be a 16-bit type, which means that Integer'Last could be as small as 32767. This means that a time late in the day (>32767) could cause Constraint_Error to be raised on the conversion to Integer.

Because most compilers actually use 32 bits, we could take a chance. However, we can be absolutely sure by defining a new integer type. In this book, we will not do this very much, but it's interesting to note that Ada allows it. We write

    TYPE DayInteger IS RANGE 0..86400;
which informs the compiler to create an entirely new integer-valued type with the given range. This is not a subtype, but a new type that's incompatible with Integer unless we do a conversion.

This may seem like a lot of trouble just to be sure that we have a type with a full-day range, but this kind of situation sometimes arises in real projects, and it's nice to know that Ada has a solution.

Now, declaring

    SecsPastMidnight: DayInteger;

we can proceed to write

    SecsPastMidnight := DayInteger( Ada.Calendar.Seconds(CurrentTime));

Note how we converted the Duration value. A fixed-point type can be fractional; since we are not interested in fractions of seconds, the rounding doesn't hurt us.

We now need to find the hours, minutes, and seconds in the current time:

    MinsPastMidnight := Natural( SecsPastMidnight/60);
    Secs             := Natural( SecsPastMidnight REM 60);
    Mins             := MinsPastMidnight REM 60;
    Hrs              := MinsPastMidnight / 60;

As an example of these calculations, suppose that the current time is 11:55:20 P.M. Knowing that an hour has 3600 seconds and a minute 60, we can easily calculate the value that Calendar.Seconds returns, the number of seconds past midnight, as

    ( 3600 × 23) + ( 60 × 55) + 20 = 82800 + 3300 + 20 = 86120

We now have to go back the other way, extracting hours, minutes, and seconds. The number of minutes past midnight is 86120/60, or 1435 (integer division!); the number of seconds is 86120 REM 60, or 20, and so on.

Exercises for Section 7.1


  1. Suppose we have the following declarations:
    F: Float;
    N: NonNegFloat;
    I: Integer;
    T: Natural;
    and that F is -3.7, and I is -5. Describe the result of each of the following assignment statements:
    F := Float( I);
    I := Integer( F);
    I := Integer( N);
    N := NonNegFloat( I);
    T := Natural( F);
    I := Integer( 6.2);	
    I := Integer( 100.88);
    I := Integer( 9.5);
  2. Suppose we called Ada.Calendar.Clock and converted the result to Integer. At what time of day would it make a difference whether Integer'Last is 32767 or something larger?

[1] This is a change in Ada 95. In Ada 83, the "midway" result depended upon the compiler, so 5.5 could be rounded to either 5 or 6.

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