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14.2 Data Structures: Linked Lists and Their Operations

A linked list is a sequence of list elements or nodes in which each node is linked or connected to the node following it. A linked list with three nodes follows:

Linked List with 3 nodes

Each node in this list has two fields: the first field contains data, and the second field is a pointer to the next node. There is a pointer (Head) to the first node or list head. The last node always has a NULL pointer value, indicated as usual by a diagonal line.

Lists are an important data structure because they can be modified easily, regardless of how many elements may be in the list. For example, a new node containing the string "Bye" can be inserted between the strings "Boy" and "Cat" by changing only one pointer value (the one from "Boy") and setting the pointer from the new node to point to "Cat":

Linked List

Similarly, it is easy to delete a list element. Only one pointer value has to be changed--the pointer that currently points to the element being deleted. For example, we can delete the string "Boy" from the previous linked list by changing the pointer from the node "Ace". The node containing string "Boy" is effectively disconnected from the list since there is no longer a pointer to it. The new list consists of the strings "Hat", "Bye", "Cat":

Linked List

In Section 14.1, we saw how to connect three nodes with pointer fields. The data structure shown in Figure 14.6 could be considered a list of three nodes with pointer variable R as the pointer to its head. Each node has two data fields (Power and Volts) and one pointer field (Next). The pointer value NULL is once again drawn as a diagonal line:

Linked List

Some Linked List Operations

This section and the ones that follow will treat some common list-processing operations and describe how they are implemented using access types and variables. We will start out with a simple package specification shown in Program 14.1.

Program 14.1
Specification for Linked List Package

PACKAGE Singly_Linked_Lists IS
--| Specification for simple linked lists with a single pointer
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: September 1995                                     

  SUBTYPE WordType IS String(1..3);


  PROCEDURE AddToFront (L: IN OUT List; Word: IN WordType);
  -- Pre:  Word is defined; L may be empty
  -- Post: Word is inserted at the beginning of L
  PROCEDURE AddToEnd (L: IN OUT List; Word: IN WordType);
  -- Pre:  Word is defined; L may be empty
  -- Post: Word is appended to the end of L
  FUNCTION Copy(L: IN List) RETURN List;
  -- Pre:  L may be empty
  -- Post: returns a complete copy of the list L

  PROCEDURE Display (L: IN List);
  -- Pre:  L may be empty
  -- Post: displays the contents of L's Word fields, in the 
  --   order in which they appear in L


  TYPE ListNode;
  TYPE List IS ACCESS ListNode;
    Word: WordType := "###";
    Next: List;

END Singly_Linked_Lists;

This package provides a PRIVATE type List:

    SUBTYPE WordType IS String(1..3);

The type declarations in the PRIVATE part are as follows:

    TYPE ListNode;
    TYPE List IS ACCESS ListNode;
      Word: WordType := "###";
      Next: List;

The package provides four operations:

Given a list L1 as follows:

Linked List

Display displays

and the statement
    AddToEnd(L1, "Dog");
changes L1 as follows:


Program 14.2 is an illustration of these linked list operations.

Program 14.2
A Demonstration of the Linked List Package

WITH Ada.Text_IO; USE Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Singly_Linked_Lists; USE Singly_Linked_Lists;
--| Illustrates the singly linked list package operations
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: September 1995                                     

  L1: List;
  L2: List;

BEGIN -- Test_Lists

  -- first test the traverse and copy operations for empty list 

  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Item => "--------");
  L2 := Copy(L1);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Item => "--------");

  -- add to end of empty list

  AddToEnd(L1, "Hat");
  L2 := Copy(L1);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Item => "--------");

  -- add to end of nonempty list

  AddToEnd(L1, "Boy");
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Item => "--------");

  -- add again to end of nonempty list

  AddToEnd(L1, "Cat");
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Item => "--------");

  -- add to front of nonempty list and copy result

  AddToFront(L1, "Top");
  L2 := Copy(L1);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Item => "--------");

END Test_Lists;
Sample Run


Program 14.3 gives the body of the package. In order to show the bodies of the various operations as separate programs, we have used Ada subunits. Subunits provide a way to write the subprograms of a package as a collection of separate files. In the package body, we indicate by the words IS SEPARATE that each procedure or function body is given in a separate file.

Program 14.3
Body of Linked List Package

WITH Ada.Text_IO;
PACKAGE BODY Singly_Linked_Lists IS
--| Skeleton of package body for singly linked lists;
--| the operations are provided as subunits of the package.
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: September 1995                                     

  PROCEDURE AddToFront (L: IN OUT List; Word: IN WordType) IS SEPARATE;

  PROCEDURE AddToEnd (L: IN OUT List; Word: IN WordType) IS SEPARATE;



END Singly_Linked_Lists;
We are now ready to examine how the various linked list operations are implemented. For absolute clarity in this set of program illustrations, we include the explicit dereferencing operations (the .ALLs). Be certain you understand exactly how each operation works before moving to the next.

Program 14.4 shows the implementation of AddToFront. We need to indicate to the Ada compiler that this procedure is indeed the subunit referred to in the package body. The first line of the program,

    SEPARATE (Singly_Linked_Lists)
accomplishes this.

Program 14.4
Implementation of AddToFront

SEPARATE (Singly_Linked_Lists)
PROCEDURE AddToFront (L: IN OUT List; Word: IN WordType) IS
--| subunit of singly linked list package
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: September 1995                                   

  Temp: List;

BEGIN -- AddToFront

  Temp := NEW ListNode;
  Temp.ALL.Word := Word;
  Temp.ALL.Next := L;
  L := Temp;

END AddToFront;

This procedure is simple and straightforward, but one must be very careful, in writing operations like this, to get the order of statements exactly right:

  1. Allocate a new node, returning an access value in Temp.
  2. Store the word value in the new node.
  3. Copy the access value in L--pointing to the first node in the list, if any--to the Next field of our new node.
  4. Copy Temp's value back into L, which makes L point to the new first node.

Suppose we wrote these statements in the wrong order, for example, we copied Temp to L before copying L to Temp. This would overwrite L's old value, and we'd lose access to the entire list!

In writing linked list operations, one must always ask whether the operation behaves properly if its list parameter is empty. In this case, if L is initially empty, it's NULL value is copied into the Next field of the new node, and all is well.

In the next two sections we implement the remaining three operations, first recursively and then iteratively.



SEPARATE(Package Name)
PROCEDURE P(Parameters) IS ...

SEPARATE(Package Name)
FUNCTION F (Parameters) RETURN ReturnType IS ...

    PROCEDURE AddToFront
      ( L: IN OUT List; Word: IN WordType) IS ...

A subunit is a separate file containing a procedure or function that was given as a subunit stub in an earlier package body.

The line beginning with SEPARATE does not end with a semicolon.

Recursive Implementations of Linked List Operations

Linked lists are sometimes called recursive data structures because each node contains a pointer to a node of the same type, which is a bit like a recursive procedure containing a call to the same procedure. Indeed, linked list operations can be easily implemented as recursive subprograms.

Program 14.5 gives the implementation of Display.

Program 14.5
Recursive Implementation of Linked List Display

SEPARATE (Singly_Linked_Lists)
PROCEDURE Display(L: IN List) IS
--| Recursive implementation of Display;
--| subunit of singly linked list package
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University
--| Last Modified: September 1995

BEGIN -- Display

    RETURN;                    -- stopping case
    Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => L.ALL.Word);
    Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "...");

    Display(L => L.ALL.Next); -- recursion

END Display; 

Note carefully that like every recursive subprogram, Display has a stopping case, namely, the end of the list is reached when a NULL link is encountered. If the link is not NULL, we are not yet at the end of the list, so we display the value in the node, then invoke Display recursively for a smaller set of the data, that is, the remainder of the list following the first node.

Program 14.6 shows the recursive implementation of AddToEnd.

Program 14.6
Recursive Implementation of AddToEnd

SEPARATE (Singly_Linked_Lists)
PROCEDURE AddToEnd (L: IN OUT List; Word: IN WordType) IS
--| Recursive implementation of AddToEnd;
--| subunit of singly linked list package
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University
--| Last Modified: September 1995


  IF L = NULL THEN                 
    L := NEW ListNode'(Word,NULL);   -- stopping case
    AddToEnd(L.ALL.Next, Word);      -- recursive case

END AddToEnd;
Note again that it has the required stopping case, namely, that its parameter is NULL. In this stopping case, the IN OUT parameter representing the list is simply made to point to a new list node containing the desired word. The syntax of the line
    L := NEW ListNode'(Word,NULL);
warrants explanation. Here we are calling NEW and plugging in the fields of the newly allocated block with a record aggregate (Word, NULL). The apostrophe preceding the aggregate it is required; the construct
is called a qualified aggregate.

Returning to Program 14.6, if we are not at the stopping case, that is, not yet at the end of the list, we make a recursive call of AddToEnd, which attempts to add the new value to the end of a list that is shorter by one node.

Now consider the Copy operation. You might think that Copy is a very simple, almost trivial operation. Suppose we implemented Copy with the following body:

    SEPARATE (SinglyLinkedLists)
    FUNCTION Copy(L: IN List) RETURN List IS

      RETURN L;

    END Copy;

Would a client program with the line

    L2 := Copy( L1);
receive a correct result in L2? No indeed! Simply copying the access value in L1 does not copy the list--it only copies the pointer to the beginning of the list! The result would be that L1 and L2 would both point to the same node. Now suppose a modification is made to L1, for example, a new node is added to its end. Since L2 points to the same list, changing the list headed by L1 would also change the list headed by L2 because they are exactly the same list.

This is not what "copying" a value usually means in programming. If you copy an array A into another one B of the same type, A and B are distinct, and changing a value in A does not change B at all. In order to get a faithful copy of a list, we must copy the entire list, that is, the word in each node of the original must be copied to a newly allocated node of the result.

Program 14.7 shows a recursive implementation of Copy. In the stopping case, the parameter is NULL, so we just return that value. If the parameter is nonnull, the result of the recursive call is a node whose word value is copied from the original and whose link is a pointer to a copy of the remainder of the original.

Program 14.7
Recursive Implementation of Copy

SEPARATE (Singly_Linked_Lists)
--| Recursive implementation of Copy;
--| subunit of singly linked list package
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University
--| Last Modified: September 1995


    RETURN NULL;                   -- stopping case 
    RETURN                         -- recursive case
      NEW ListNode'(L.ALL.Word, Copy(L.ALL.Next));

END Copy;   

If you are having any trouble understanding this, there is nothing more effective than pretending you are the copy function and drawing a picture of the input list and the result list as it is constructed at each level of recursion.

It is still possible with our package to write, for two lists L1 and L2, a statement like

    L2 := L1;

This is very misleading because it implies that the list is copied, whereas in fact only the pointer to the first node is copied. Indeed, modifying a node in the list pointed to by L2 will also modify that node in the list pointed to by L1 because the two pointers point to the same list! In Section 14.5 we will present an approach using LIMITED PRIVATE types that prohibits a package user of a package from writing such a misleading copy operation.

Iterative Implementation of Linked List Operations

Recursively implemented linked list operations are clean and sometimes even elegantly simple. On the other hand, in most real applications of linked lists, iterative operations are used, so we show iterative versions in this section. The price we pay for eliminating the recursion is that the iterative versions are often more complicated, and sometimes more difficult to understand, than their recursive counterparts.

Program 14.8 shows an iterative version of AddToEnd.

Program 14.8
Iterative Implementation of AddToEnd

SEPARATE (Singly_Linked_Lists)
PROCEDURE AddToEnd (L: IN OUT List; Word: IN WordType) IS
--| Iterative implementation of AddToEnd;
--| we must do a linear search to find the end of the list
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University
--| Last Modified: September 1995

  Current: List;  -- designates each node of input list in turn

BEGIN -- AddToEnd


    L := NEW ListNode'(Word,NULL);


    -- initialize the loop
    Current := L;

    -- search until the end
    WHILE Current.ALL.Next /= NULL LOOP
      Current := Current.ALL.Next;

    -- we found the end; Current designates last node
    -- so attach a new node to the node Current designates
    Current.ALL.Next := NEW ListNode'(Word, NULL);


END AddToEnd;

Iterative list operations generally consist of a main WHILE loop and, in fact, are generally quite similar to many array algorithms. Recall from Chapter 6 that every WHILE loop must contain three distinct features:

These three features are present in Program 14.8: A pointer Current, declared to serve as the loop variable, is initialized by

    Current := L;
which sets Current to point to the beginning of the list. The test to continue the loop is
    WHILE Current.ALL.Next /= NULL LOOP
because, after the loop is finished, we need Current not to be null but rather to be pointing to the last node of the list This is so that we can connect the new node to the last node's Next field. This is accomplished by the statement
    Current.ALL.Link := NEW ListNode'(Word, NULL);

Finally, the incrementation step is

    Current := Current.ALL.Next;
in which Current is dereferenced and set to the Next value in the designated node.

Program 14.8 contains a special case to see whether the head pointer L itself needs to be modified; this will happen only if L is initially empty. Assuming L is nonempty, we have another WHILE loop, with Current initialized as in Display to the start of the list. In this case, the loop body consists only of the incrementation step because we are simply searching to find the end of the list.

To be certain you understand AddToEnd, practice tracing its execution. Draw a pointer variable Current and move it down the list during each loop iteration. Start with the following list and add "Art" to its end:

Linked List

We leave it as an exercise to develop iterative versions of Copy and Display.

Exercises for Section 14.2


  1. Write procedure Display as an iterative procedure.
  2. Write an iterative version of the function Copy.
  3. Write a recursive function that returns the length of a list, that is, the number of nodes in the list.
  4. Write a recursive function that finds the length of a list.

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