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8.9 Data Structures: Arrays with Noninteger Subscripts

The subscript type of each array examined so far was a subrange of the integers. This, of course, is not required in Ada, because the subscript type can be any discrete type or subtype. A number of different array types are described in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4
Some Array Types and Applications

Storing a person's name, up to ten letters

SUBTYPE NameLength IS Positive RANGE 1..10;
TYPE NameArray IS ARRAY(NameLength) OF Character;
Name : NameArray;

Name(1) := 'A';  

Storing Fahrenheit temperatures corresponding to -10 through 10 degrees Celsius

SUBTYPE CelsiusRange IS Integer RANGE -10..10;
TYPE TemperatureArray IS ARRAY(CelsiusRange) OF Float;
Fahrenheit : TemperatureArray;

Fahrenheit(-10) := 14.0;  

Storing the number of times each capital letter occurs

SUBTYPE UpperCase IS Character RANGE 'A'..'Z';
TYPE LetterCountArray IS ARRAY(UpperCase) OF Natural;
LetterCount : LetterCountArray;

LetterCount('A') := 0; 

Storing a set of flags indicating which letters occurred and which did not

SUBTYPE UpperCase IS Character RANGE 'A'..'Z';
TYPE LetterFoundArray IS ARRAY(UpperCase) OF Boolean;
LetterFound : LetterFoundArray;

LetterCount('X') := False;

Storing the number of True answers and False answers to a quiz

TYPE AnswerArray IS ARRAY(Boolean) OF Natural;
Answers : AnswerArray;

Answers(True) := 15;

The array Name has 10 elements and can be used to store the letters of a person's name. The array Fahrenheit has 21 elements and can be used to store the Fahrenheit temperature corresponding to each Celsius temperature in the range -10 though 10 degrees Celsius. For example, Fahrenheit(0) would be the Fahrenheit temperature, 32.0, corresponding to 0 degrees Celsius. Arrays LetterCount and LetterFound have the same subscript type (i.e., the uppercase letters) and will be discussed in Example 8.14. The array Answers has only two elements with subscript values False and True.

Example 8.13

The array MonthSales, declared below, could be used to keep track of the amount of sales in each month. The subscript type is Simple_Dates.Months, so the subscript values are the constants Jan to Dec.

    TYPE SalesArray IS ARRAY (Simple_Dates.Months) OF Float;
    CurrentMonth   : Simple_Dates.Months;
    MonthSales : SalesArray;
    CurrentSales : Float;
The element type of SalesArray is given as Float, which can be negative. This is appropriate because in an unusually bad month, the value of returned goods can exceed that of newly sold goods, so the net sales can be negative. The aggregate assignment
    MonthSales := (OTHERS => 0.0);

initializes this array to all zeros. The statement

    MonthSales(CurrentMonth) := MonthSales(CurrentMonth) + CurrentSales;

adds the value of CurrentSales to the element of MonthSales selected by the subscript CurrentMonth.

Example 8.14

The arrays LetterCount and LetterFound described in Table 8.4 have the subscript type UpperCase. Hence, there is an array element for each uppercase letter. LetterCount('A') could be used to count the number of occurrences of the letter A in a line; LetterFound('A') could be used to indicate whether or not the letter A occurs. If the letter A occurs, LetterFound('A') would be True; otherwise, LetterFound('A') would be False.

Program 8.13 uses the arrays LetterCount and LetterFound described above to display the number of occurrences of each letter in a line of text. The case of the letter is ignored (e.g., 't' and 'T' are considered the same letter). Only counts greater than 0 are printed.

Program 8.13
Concordance Program

WITH Ada.Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
WITH Ada.Characters.Handling;
PROCEDURE Concordance IS
--| Finds and displays the number of occurrences of each letter.
--| The case of each letter is immaterial.  Letters with counts
--| of zero are not displayed.
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: July 1995                                     
   Sentinel : CONSTANT Character := '.';

   SUBTYPE UpperCase IS Character RANGE 'A'..'Z';
   SUBTYPE LowerCase IS Character RANGE 'a'..'z';
   TYPE LetterCountArray IS ARRAY (UpperCase) OF Natural;
   TYPE LetterFlags      IS ARRAY (UpperCase) OF Boolean;

   LetterCount : LetterCountArray; -- array of counts   
   LetterFound : LetterFlags;      -- array of flags
   NextChar : Character;                   -- each input character   

BEGIN -- Concordance   

  -- Initialize LetterCount 
  LetterCount := (OTHERS => 0);             -- Initialize counts   
  LetterFound := (OTHERS => False);         -- Initialize flags    

  -- Read and process each data character.   
  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Enter a line of text ending with a period.");

    Ada.Text_IO.Get(Item => NextChar);

    -- Increment the count for this character, if it is a letter
    IF NextChar IN UpperCase THEN
      LetterCount(NextChar) := LetterCount(NextChar) + 1;
      LetterFound(NextChar) := True;
    ELSIF NextChar IN LowerCase THEN
      NextChar := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Upper(NextChar); 
      LetterCount(NextChar) := LetterCount(NextChar) + 1;
      LetterFound(NextChar) := True;
    END IF;
    EXIT WHEN NextChar = Sentinel;

  -- Display counts of letters that are in the line.   
  Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Letter     Occurrences");
  FOR WhichChar IN UpperCase LOOP
    IF LetterFound(WhichChar) THEN
      Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "     ");
      Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => WhichChar);
        (Item => LetterCount(WhichChar), Width => 16);
    END IF;

END Concordance;
Sample Run
Enter a line of text ending with a period.
This is a test of the concordance program.

Letter     Occurrences
     A               3
     C               3
     D               1
     E               3
     F               1
     G               1
     H               2
     I               2
     M               1
     N               2
     O               4
     P               1
     R               3
     S               3
     T               4
In Program 8.13, the array LetterFound is not really needed and was included in the example mainly to show an application of an array of Booleans. The condition
could be written just as easily as
    LetterCount(NextChar) > 0
Writing the condition in this way would eliminate the need for the second array.

Exercises for Section 8.9


  1. Describe the following array types, assuming IndexType is a subtype of Integer with range -5..5:

    a. ARRAY (1..20) OF Character;

    b. ARRAY ('0'..'9') OF Boolean;

    c. ARRAY(IndexType) OF Float;

    d. ARRAY (Boolean) OF Character;

    e. ARRAY (Character) OF Boolean;

  2. Provide array type definitions for representing the following.

    a. The areas associated with each room in a group of rooms (living room, dining room, kitchen, etc.).

    b. The number of students in each grade of an elementary school.

    c. A letter associated with each color in a collection of colors. This letter will be the first letter of the color name.

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