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12.2 Problem Solving: Using Multidimensional Arrays

The subscript type for each dimension of the multidimensional array TicTacToe is a subrange of type Integer. It is not necessary for the subscript types to all have the same base type. The arrays in the next example have a different subscript type for each dimension.

Example 12.7

A university offers 50 courses at each of five campuses. The registrar's office can conveniently store the enrollments of these courses in the array Enroll declared below.

    MaxCourse : CONSTANT Positive := 50;  -- maximum number of courses
    SUBTYPE Course IS Positive RANGE 1..50;
    TYPE Campus IS (Main, Ambler, Center, Delaware, Montco); 
    TYPE CourseByCampus IS ARRAY (Course, Campus) OF Natural;
    Enroll : CourseByCampus; 

This array consists of 5 x 50 = 250 elements, as shown in Figure 12.4. Enroll(1, Center) represents the number of students in course 1 at Center campus.

Figure 12.4
Two-Dimensional Array Enroll

Figure 12.4

If the registrar wanted to break down this enrollment information according to student rank, a three-dimensional array with 1000 elements would be required. This array is declared below and shown in Figure 12.5.

    MaxCourse : CONSTANT Positive := 50;  -- maximum number of courses
    SUBTYPE Course IS Positive RANGE 1..50;
    TYPE Campus IS (Main, Ambler, Center, Delaware, Montco); 
    TYPE Rank IS (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior); 
    TYPE CourseByCampusByRank IS ARRAY (Course, Campus, Rank) OF Natural;
    ClassEnroll : CourseByCampusByRank;
    Total     : Natural; -- student totals

The subscripted variable ClassEnroll(1, Center, Senior) represents the number of seniors taking course 1 at Center campus.

Figure 12.5
Three-Dimensional Array ClassEnroll

Figure 12.5

Example 12.8

We can again use aggregates to initialize the entire three-dimensional array to zero, which would need to be done at the beginning of a university registration cycle, for example.

    ClassEnroll := (OTHERS => (OTHERS => (OTHERS => 0)));

Example 12.9

The program segment

    Total := 0; 
    FOR ClassRank IN Rank LOOP 
      Total := Total + ClassEnroll(1, Center, ClassRank);

computes the total number of students of all ranks in course 1 at Center campus. The program segment

    Total := 0;
    FOR CurCampus IN Campus LOOP
      FOR ClassRank IN Rank LOOP 
        Total := Total + ClassEnroll(1, CurCampus, ClassRank);
      END LOOP;

computes the total number of students in course 1 (regardless of rank or campus). Finally, the total enrollment is computed by the program segment

    Total := 0;
    FOR CurCourse IN Courses LOOP
      FOR CurCampus IN Campus LOOP
        FOR ClassRank IN Rank LOOP 
          Total := Total + ClassEnroll(CurCourse,CurCampus, ClassRank);
        END LOOP;
      END LOOP;

Exercises for Section 12.2


  1. Declare a three-dimensional array that can be used to keep track of the number of students in the math classes (Math1, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra2, Trigonometry, Calculus) at your old high school according to the grade level and gender of the students. How many elements are in this array?
  2. Extend row-major order to three dimensions and show how the array ClassEnroll might be stored in row-major form. What would be the offset for the array element ClassEnroll(1,Center,Senior) and the general formula for ClassEnroll(i,j,k)?


  1. Redefine MaxCourse as 5 and write program segments that perform the following operations:

    a. Enter the enrollment data.

    b. Find the number of juniors in all classes at all campuses. Students will be counted once for each course in which they are enrolled.

    c. Find the number of sophomores on all campuses who are enrolled in course 2.

    d. Compute and display the number of students at Main campus enrolled in each course and the total number of students at Main campus in all courses. Students will be counted once for each course in which they are enrolled.

    e. Compute and display the number of upper-class students in all courses at each campus, as well as the total number of upper-class students enrolled. (Upper-class students are juniors and seniors.) Again, students will be counted once for each course in which they are enrolled.

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